Re: Welcome to the "gtk-list" mailing list

On Thu, 05 May 2005 12:52:40 +0800, Xu Qiang said:

> My previous 2.6.7 version is installed at /usr/local. Can I install 1.2.10 in
> to the same place?

Yes.  All the libraries and include files are designed so they can co-exist
on the system.  Do *NOT* remove 2.6.7 - you can install 1.2.10 right next
to it (and removing 2.6.7 will break whatever is using it).

In fact, it's easier to install versions of GTK1 and GTK2 next to each other
than it is to install 2.6.5 and 2.6.7 on the same system.. ;)

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