Re: freezing a gnomecanvas from updating

On Fri, 18 Mar 2005 22:16:12 -0500, Paul Davis
<paul linuxaudiosystems com> wrote:
> >Is it possible to prevent the gnomecanvas from redrawing itself on the
> >screen?  Something like a freeze and a thaw?
> why would you do that? the canvas is redrawn only in an idle hander so
> that all the updates and changes you do don't cause any redrawing at
> that time. everything is deferred until there are no more events to
> handle.
> if you want a longer term freeze/thaw, i don't know of anything, but
> you could make the canvas widget insensitive.
> --p

I'm moving, removing, and adding a ton of stuff around the screen at
once, and I need it to seem like everything moves, removes, and adds
at once (it's one big jump/change, not a sequence of smaller ones).  I
am seeing some stuff move before other stuff and so the effect isn't
what I'm looking for.

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