Force sorting of an GtkListStore

Hello list,

how can i force a GtkListStore to be sorted? If i use gtk_tree_model_row_changed i doesn't work. sort_column_change doesn't worked as well.

I tried also to set the default sort function but i get an assertion error, cause i'm removing it after i set it. Please look:


/* set default function to sort_func */
gtk_tree_sortable_set_default_sort_func (list, sort_func, NULL, NULL);
/* set the default column */
gtk_tree_sortable_set_sort_column_id (list, ...DEFAULT_SORT_COLUM..., ...ASCENDING);
/* unset default sort function to disable automatically sorting */
gtk_tree_sortable_set_default_sort_func (list, NULL, NULL, NULL);


I'm setting the default sort function to null after i setted it to sort_func cause i only want sorting when i'm forcing it and not when a new row has appended or changed.

Thanks in advance.

best regards,
Seika van Olstroem

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