Re: Label and wrap text (Preben Randhol)

On Sun, Jun 19, 2005 at 01:11:05PM -0400, Irv Mullins wrote:
> You could perhaps substitue a text_view, set non-editable. That 
> control does adjust the text to fill the space available.

Thanks, but my problem is that :

1. I want to use the Pango markup
2. I want to make a simple poor-man's help system that easily can be
   incorporated in applications. 

With 2. I mean that I want to be able to easily present text and a
picture and text and picture etc... if needed. I would need to use
several text_views to present the text. Would give a much larger
footprint than using labels I would imagine? Unless one now can include
pixmaps in the text_view ? I haven't checked this ... Hmm better have a
look at the API again... :-)

Anyway I can constrain the help to say 400 pixels with and set all
labels to this width. Pity that the label widget is so poor.


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