Pango-WARNING : No builtin or dynamically loaded modules were found, when running static built application

Hi all --

   i manage to build the gtk2.6.10 statically and link it with the
application (which is built on top of wxGTK)
   and when i running it, i get the warning of 

   Pang-WARNING **: No builtin or dynamically loaded modules were
found. Pango will not work correctly. This probablly means there was
an error in the creation of /usr/local/etc/pango/pango.modules

   and the PANGO_IS_FONT() failed afterwards.

   i checked the /usr/local/etc/pango/pango.modules, and it is empty
in there besides the comment lines,
   and i check the library generated in /usr/local/lib/1.4.0/modules
there are some .a and .la files.

   but nothing has been written into the pango.modules file. 

  when i installed pango, i configure it with /--enable-static --disable-shared.

  what should i do to make pango happy?

thanks in the advance,

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