RE: How to find a shell

The idea of "echo $0" is fine. I didn't know that.
Thanks Jay Vaughan.

I was just wondering, the person who had asked this 
question must be overwhelmed by the answers. I wish
my problems also get so much response. :) 

Currently, I am struggling with a number of things.
I am using RedHat 9.0. I am facing three problems:

  a. I wish to make my display visible on Multimedia
     for the audience to see.
     I am using Compaq Laptop (LCD screen).

  b. My sound card volume control is not working.
     Though it works perfectly well in MS Windows.
     It is Intel sound card. Linux says, its mixer
     device is not working. 

  c. My USB drive Kingston (Data Traveller) is not
     working under Linux. Though, it works perfectly
     under MS Windows.

help me please.

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