Re: How to find your shell

On Fri, 22 Apr 2005 16:11:17 BST, Shyal Beardsley said:
> Maybe I'm missing something, or maybe it's only on my system, but I can get my
> shell with $SHELL
> echo $SHELL
> result: /bin/tcsh

Strictly speaking, $SHELL is *NOT* "the currently executing shell". From 'info bash':

     The full pathname to the shell is kept in this environment
     variable.  If it is not set when the shell starts, Bash assigns to
     it the full pathname of the current user's login shell.

So if you have csh as your login shell, and do the following:

% echo $SHELL
% unsetenv SHELL
% exec /bin/bash
% echo $SHELL     # at this point you're running bash, but SHELL is /bin/csh....

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