Re: No iconv() implementation found in C library or libiconv

On, Tue Apr 19, 2005, Xu Qiang wrote:

> > CPPFLAGS="-I/usr/local/include" LDFLAGS="-L/usr/local/lib -lintl" \
> > ./configure --with-libiconv=gnu
> > 
> > "Why I need to pass CPPFLAGS and LDFLAGS?", you may ask. Because the
> > configure script needs to know, where it can look for the matching
> > libraries and headers for iconv et al.. intl is needed for i18n
> > support. 
> Thanks for your clear explanation. I run it as: 
> -------------------------------------------------------
> ./configure --with-libiconv=gnu CPPFLAGS="-I/usr/local/include" LDFLAGS="-L/usr/local/lib
> -------------------------------------------------------
> and continue to "make" successfully. Ohoh, just forgot to add "-lintl" option, will re-compile it. Btw, you said it is for i18n support, what is i18n? Sorry for my dumb.

i18n is an acronym for "Internationalization" and denotes the
localization ("l10n") of software and such stuff. gettext (here added
using -lintl) is used to 'translate' messages into the environment
language. More about that can be found at the Translation Project[1].

> >> Btw, the various patches in that URL are all irrelavent to libiconv problem 
> > Yes, but keep in mind, that they are not irrelevant, if you want to
> > use the glib with threads in any way.
> Can I apply these patches manually, instead of through the ports system?

Usually you can. Simply change into the top source directory of your
uncompressed glib package and apply the patches like this:

      patch < /usr/ports/devel/glib20/files/THE_WANTED_PATCH_FILE

Note, that you should take a look at the patches before
applying. Sometimes they only set some variables needed for the port
build process, but are not needed by a manual build.



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