Re: signals (and disconnecting them)

> stian nixia no wrote:
>>I'm not an expert but:
>>Events that are queue'd are not scheduled until glib iterates again, so
>>they will be "lost" yes. Even signals you emit by hand will be "lost"
>>after the handler is unhooked. Atleast logic should be like that.
> I may be a bit crazy but it can make sense to let all the events queued
> for that handler to be processed before disconnecting it.
> I know I could just force all the queued events to be processed before
> disconnecting the handler, but it's not the right thing to do.

Not really, since when you disconnect it, you might free the data
user_data points to, so a new signal after that point would be unsecure.
Else, when would you know that the user_data pointer will never be
mentioned again.


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