can't print string pointer, get error?

I have the following defined in my program:

gchar   *id;

I perform the following operation which fills id with appropriate

gtk_tree_model_get(theModel, &custListIter, CUST_ID, &id, -1);

Then, I print out the value of id for debugging purposes:

g_printf("row number %s was retrieved\n", id);

but, upon compile, I receive the following error:

  callbacks.c:509: warning: char format, different type arg(arg 2)

Say what? Why am I getting this error? It doesn't make sense. You print
out string pointers using printf("%s", var) which works fine numer
normal C conditions. So why do I get this warning, and how do I fix it?


 .''`.      Carl B. Constantine
: :' :     duckwing duckwing ca
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  `-  Debian GNU/Linux -- The power of freedom
  "Claiming that your operating system is the best in the world because more
  people use it is like saying McDonalds makes the best food in the world."

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