Re: GLIB / Pango install

Andreas Hagele wrote:
thanks for your reply.

I must say I read the INSTALLs for glib,pango, gtk and gimp several times
And I went so far that I started completely from scratch. Re-installed
RedHat 9 again (with all options on to make sure all the required tools are
And I found rpms for glib 2.4.2 and pango.
However the problem is still the same.

When installing glib 2.4.2 it complains about glib 2.2.1 is required (which
by itself is rather weired) but glib 2.2.1 is installed.
Running rpm does not create any logfiles to show more details on what is
going wrong.
But in essance it's the same fault as when running the ./configure for
compiling the source for glib.
So I got glib2-2.2.1 rpm and tried an 'update' and a 'freshen' option when
running rpm, but it refused to run saying glib 2.2.1 is already installed.

What is wrong here?

Check that pkg-config returns the right results:

  pkg-config --modversion glib-2.0

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