Why don't all chars display?

Hi everyone,

I've been working on getting an iso8859-1 font to display all of
its chars in an entry widget. For some reason I can't get 0xa0 to
display. Here's the code that I'm using:
char buff[2], *buff2;
GtkWidget *entry;
PangoFontDescription *pfd;


buff[0] = (char)0xa0;
buff[1] = '\0';

gtk_widget_modify_font(entry, pfd);

buff2 = g_convert(buff, -1, "UTF-8", "ISO8859-1", NULL, NULL,
gtk_entry_set_text(GTK_ENTRY(entry), buff2);



It shows up as just a blank space (it should be a greek alpha). 
When I run this with any other value besides 0xa0, it works just
as I had expected. What am I doing wrong?



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