Re: Stuff I want to do with a combobox

Dnia 25-12-2004, sob o godzinie 08:00 -0500, Hudson Lee napisał:
> Speaking of improving gtk combo boxes there is one thing about gtk combo
> boxes I can't stand! If your combobox is near the top or bottem of the screen 
> it doesn't position itself so you can see all the items. For example say your
> combobox is near the top of the screen and you have selected the item at the 
> very bottem of your list of choices. Now when you click on the combobox you 
> can't see the choices near the beginning of the list without using the arrow. 
> This is beacuse the combobox is drawn with the currently selected choice 
> apearing where you click. Is there anyway for an app programmer to change this 
> behavior? What are some gtk developers thoughts on changing the way comboboxes 
> are drawn so they work like every other pulldown menu in this regard?

AFAIK this is entirely deliberate, to ensure that when you click on
combobox to see list and then click again without moving mouse, selected
item will not change. One implication is that in edge-cases combobox
will be drawn with most items hidden behind scroll-arrows, but also
ensures interface stability, which is of prime importance. That's
probably good trade-off, interface that changes without user's action is
Really Bad Thing(TM)


Maciej Katafiasz <ml mathrick org>

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