Re: setting gdk display

On Sat, 2003-10-25 at 13:28, Paul Davis wrote:
> > - Support for modifiers beyond control/alt/shift, with some sort
> >   of "virtual modifiers" approach.
> dubious unless you make it possible to interrogate what keycodes
> and/or keyvals are bound to a modifier.

? The real modifiers wouldn't go away; event->state would typically
contain *both* the real modifier (MOD3 or whatever) and the virtual
modifier (Hyper or whatever).

> > - Support for tracking Caps_Lock (and maybe other modifier) state
> >   (
> whats wrong with (event->state & GDK_LOCK_MASK)?

The use case as described in the bug report is a warning on a password

 A) You need to be able to interrogate
 B) You need to be able to catch the change when it occurs when
    focus is not on the app


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