Dynamically load widgets in a window


I am designing an application whose main window is split into 2
horizontal panes.  The left most pane is a column of buttons which
represent "services" of my application.  And the right most pane is a
scrolled window.  What I wish to do is when a user clicks a button the
scrolled window displays the proper set of widgets (service) for my
application.  If the user chooses another button the current service in
the scrolled window is removed and new service is populates the window. 
If there a common way or algorithm for doing this in Gtk....specifically
using Glade 2 to create service before hand.  Hypothetically lets say I
create dialogs which represent the services of my application is there a
way to populated the scrolled window with the set of widgets in my
dialog?  I would greatly appreciate any help.

Thank You


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