GTK+2.2 update ?


I'm using RH8 and the default installed GTK+ 2.0 libs (in /usr/lib).
Now I got a new program that I want to run and to compile.
It needs the GTK+ 2.2 lib. No problem so far, I thought.

I compiled and installed the new GTK+2.2 libs to /opt/gtk

Now I tried different things:

- Put the path /opt/gtk to, run ldconfig, but the new
  libs aren't available.
  The problem might be, that the softlinks to the libs, which ldconfig
  creates, have both the same name, say /usr/lib/
  which points to /usr/lib/ and
  /opt/gtk/lib/ which points to
  Guess the system is using the /usr/lib path first.

- Next I tried to copy the new 2.2 libs to /usr/lib, and run ldconfig.
  ldconfig creates the softlinks - but now the softlinks point to the
  new gtk 2.2 libs, the 2.0 libs are unused.
  The problem is, that gnome (and other programs) seems to need and
  use the old 2.0 gtk libs - therefore I can't replace them!

- I don't wanna use LD_LIBRARY_PATH, due to the known reasons.
  And even as I set LD_LIBRARY_PATH in /etc/profile, gnome isn't starting
  correctly, cause it can't find the old gtk 2.0 libs then.

Now, has anybody the same problem, is there a clean procedure to update and
install the gtk 2.2 libs? Is it possible to have both libs coexisting in


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