Re: Working With Trees

On Mon, 2003-05-19 at 09:27, Charles Tassell wrote:
> I'm using Glade 2.0 and GTK 2.something to try and write a very simple
> file manager, and I can't get the GtkTreeView object to work at all. 
> I've looked around, and there doesn't seem to be any docs in regards to
> this widget, other than the API, and the examples in the API are garbage
> (my apologies to their authors): most of them are referencing variables
> that they don't even define.
> What I am trying to do at the moment is add an item to the GtkTreeStore,
> but it doesn't seem to want to go.  I'm not getting any warnings on the
> console about bad types or non-existant objects, or anything else for
> that matter, but gtk_tree_model_get just returns garbage.  The code is
> below.
>   int SetFolders(void)
> {
>   GtkWidget      *tviewFolders;
>   GtkTreeStore    *tstoreFolders;
>   GtkTreeIter     iterStore, iterTest;
>   char            Test[100];
>   gchar *gTest;
>   memset(&Test[0], 0, 99);
>   strcpy(&Test[0], "testing this for fun");
>   printf("Test is %s\n", Test);
>   // Find the widget for the Folders tree
>   tviewFolders = lookup_widget(GTK_WIDGET(winMain), "tviewFolders");
>   // Create the entries entry
>   tstoreFolders = gtk_tree_store_new(1, G_TYPE_STRING);
>   gTest = g_strdup_printf("%s", Test);
>   printf("Gstring is %s\n", gTest);
>   gtk_tree_store_append(GTK_TREE_STORE(tstoreFolders), &iterStore,
> NULL);
>   gtk_tree_store_set(GTK_TREE_STORE(tstoreFolders), &iterStore, 0,
> gTest, -1);
>   g_free(gTest);

What happens if you take the g_free(gTest) out?


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