Re: how to use gtk_label_set_markup with the label of a GtkToggleButton ?

Stephane Wirtel wrote:

I would like to use gtk_label_set_markup with the label of a
GtkToggleButton, is it possible.

I have this source :

 label_text = g_strdup_printf ("<b>%s</b>", _("Active Speed dial") );
 active_speed_dial_button = gtk_check_button_new();

 g_free (label_text);

But i have an error, if anyone has a solution,

I use such markup line (it's in C++ for gtkmm):
   dialog.text->set_markup("<span size=\"large\">"
"Do you want to delete</span><span foreground=\"blue\" size=\"large\"> " + row[mnemoColumns.col_path] + "</span><span size=\"large\">?</span>"); It displays the phrase in an increased size text with value from a GtkTreeView column,
coloured in blue.
   Igor Gorbounov

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