Re: Copying X pixmap.

Hello Owen!

Am Son, 2003-05-04 um 03.32 schrieb Owen Taylor:

>  a) disable double buffering for that widget with

I'm porting gpsdrive ( from
gtk-1.2 to gtk 2.2.
But the performance is terrible, with gtk-1.2 I have around 4% CPU
usage, with gtk-2.2 its about 30-40%
I'm drawing ~ 600x500 big pixmaps 3 times a second to the screen. In
gtk-1.2 I did doublebuffering myself (drawing all on a pixmap, then
drawing it to the main window  gdk_draw_pixmap
I did now 
  drawable = gdk_pixmap_new (mainwindow->window, SCREEN_X, SCREEN_Y,

this added -> gtk_widget_set_double_buffered(drawable, FALSE);

But this doesn't give me the performance back.
Another question: does a  gtk_label_set_markup (GTK_LABEL (altilabel),
s3); have a bad perforcmance? I draw about 20 characters 3 times a
second. This replaces my old gdk-style manipulation to draw in a bigger
The antialiased fonts looking very good!
The application is used mostly on notebooks, where people may have slow
cpus, and I'm afraid the program will be too slow on this notebooks.

Fritz "der mit dem Linux tanzt" Ganter
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