Re: Assert messages.

* Sven Neumann (sven gimp org) wrote:
> Hi,
> "Carl B. Constantine" <duckwing duckwing ca> writes:
> > I'm getting a couple of assert messages in my app kind of
> > all-of-a-sudden as of late. I'm curious what they really mean and
> > how can I track them down.
> you can force warnings to become fatal by passing --g-fatal-warnings
> to your GTK+ application. The application will then crash on the first
> warning message allowing you to examine the cause of the warning in a
> debugger.

That may quit the program, but doesn't really give me any details as to
where the program gave those warnings or why or still, what they mean.

 .''`.      Carl B. Constantine
: :' :     duckwing duckwing ca
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