Re: Walking through the widgets of an application?

Sven Neumann wrote:

Laszlo Kovacs <laszlo kovacs Sun COM> writes:

I am developing a performance benchmark for Gnome applications. One
problem that has to be solved is identification of all widgets by
their names in the scripts that drive the benchmark (simulate input,
measure times etc). E.g. if I want to write a benchmark script that
checks for the time certain widgets need to be displayed, I need to
refer those widgets somehow in the script and I need a name for that.

A benchmarking application for Motif had a little app that walked down
the widget tree of the benchmarked application, created a unique name
from the widget path and wrote all the names in a file. This was easy
to implement as in Motif/Xt there is only one root widget in an
application, every widget has a parent and popups (dialogs, menus) are
referred by their parents as well. In turn using a widget name
generated this way it was easy to find the corresponding widget

you can get a list of all toplevel windows using
gtk_window_list_toplevels(). It should be easy to traverse the widget
hierachy for each window using gtk_container_get_children(). But I
think I already pointed you to these functions when you asked on #gtk+.

Thanks. Would this work for dialogs/menus as well? Can I get to all the widgets like this?


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