bug in gtk+-2.2.1


I 've installed glib-2.2.1, pango-1.2.1, atk-1.2.0, and now tying to compile

I 've used the option below with configure:

./configure --disable-modules --with-included-loaders=png,jpeg,xpm,ani,gif,ico

My understanding was, this will NOT try to do the dynamic loading. But I think 
I was wrong!!

LOADERS=`echo libpixbufloader-*.la` ; \
if test "x$LOADERS" != 'xlibpixbufloader-*.la' ; then \
          echo "Writing a gdk-pixbuf.loader file to use when running examples before installing gdk-pixbuf."; \
  ../gdk-pixbuf/gdk-pixbuf-query-loaders $LOADERS > ./gdk-pixbuf.loaders ;\
else \
          echo "No dynamic modules found; will use only static modules for uninstalled example programs."; \
  touch gdk-pixbuf.loaders; \
Writing a gdk-pixbuf.loader file to use when running examples before installing gdk-pixbuf.
Cannot load loader /net/ia64/lavasani/gtk+2-2.2.1/gdk-pixbuf/libpixbufloader-static-ani.la
Cannot load loader /net/ia64/lavasani/gtk+2-2.2.1/gdk-pixbuf/libpixbufloader-static-bmp.la
Cannot load loader /net/ia64/lavasani/gtk+2-2.2.1/gdk-pixbuf/libpixbufloader-static-gif.la
Cannot load loader /net/ia64/lavasani/gtk+2-2.2.1/gdk-pixbuf/libpixbufloader-static-ico.la
Cannot load loader /net/ia64/lavasani/gtk+2-2.2.1/gdk-pixbuf/libpixbufloader-static-jpeg.la
Cannot load loader /net/ia64/lavasani/gtk+2-2.2.1/gdk-pixbuf/libpixbufloader-static-png.la
/usr/lib/dld.sl: Internal Error 2004
/usr/lib/dld.sl: Exec format error
/bin/sh: 7198 Abort(coredump)
gmake: *** [gdk-pixbuf.loaders] Error 134

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