Re: CellRenderText properties question.


"Carl B. Constantine" <duckwing duckwing ca> writes:

> Thanks for the reply. That confirms what I suspected, but IMHO very bad
> design as it creates extra overhead for memory and storage in the
> TreeModel (ListStore in this case) instead of being able to determine
> the property programatically. What if I have a preference setting where
> the user change pick a color so it's not just "red" or "blue" it's
> "between blue and purple"?

noone said you have to store the color as string. You could for
example have model column that holds a GdkColor which would give you
16 bit per color channel and I suspect that's more fine-grained than
you'll ever need it to be.

> or add multiple attributes to the column with
> gtk_tree_view_column_add_attribute(). But this means I have to add a
> column to the model and then hide it after it's appended to the view
> right?

> However, I find that interface rather awkward to use in that
> instance, again because it can't be determined programatically or
> you have to change the column the cell looks at "on the fly" which
> is awkward.

you shouldn't judge on an API that you obviously did not understood.

Salut, Sven

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