cannot set value of GtkDial


I have created a GtKDial which I want to show the system load in %, but
it doesn't repsond to the values i use to set  it in the first place,
nothing happens. For backward compatibility it is written in GTK 1.2.

gboolean on_dial1_expose_event  (GtkWidget       *widget,
                                        GdkEventExpose  *event,
                                        gpointer         user_data)
	gfloat val = 50.0;
	gtk_dial_set_percentage ( GTK_DIAL( widget ), val );
	fprintf( stdout, "System load: %.1f\n", val );
	return FALSE;

I also have tried to find the reference of the command to get a pointer
to a widget by using its name, so I do not ahve to use global varaiables
to manipulate widgets from outside a callback function ?

Best regards,

Peter Van Osta

Union Biometrica N.V./S.A.
European Scientific Operations (ESO)
Cipalstraat 3
B-2440 Geel
Tel.: +32 (0)14 570 619
Fax.: +32 (0)14 570 621

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