Re: GTK+ Under Windows Using Dev-C++

That's something the compiler takes care of. And in C, C++ forward slashes
(" / ") are legal.
It's something that is there irregardless of the platform.

..... ISO\IEC C++ Standard :
    Section :
        Lexical Conventions
.............- If either of the characters ' or \, or either of the
character sequences /* or //
.............- appears in qcharsequence or a hcharsequence, or the character
" appears in a hcharsequence,
.............- the behavior is undefined.
............- h-char-sequence = #include <h-char-sequence>
............- p-char-sequence = #include "p-char-sequence"

Without knowing the exact specifics of a compiler, I am left to assume that
since '\'s are illegal in the language,
the compiler must do a conversion when it comes to looking through
directories for whatever platform it's
built for.

If it's not compiling correctly for you i would read through some of the
suggestions i've posted for other's about
setting up GTK+2.0 on Windows. I got some compile errors about not being
able to include <gtk/gtk.h> before,
and it had nothing to do with the "/" it was getting GTK+ to work right.

If not hopefully someone with more knowledge on it can correct this, or shed
some new light on it.
Hope it helps :)
....Frank M....

> I recently downloaded and installed GTK+ for Windows and I program using
> Dev-C++ compiler. I noticed that all the tutorials require the include
> of #include <gtk/gtk.h> but windows considers /\*? etc to be a illegal
> character. I was wondering what to do so I can use GTK+ under windows and
> it is possible to actually do it? Thanks for any and all help you can
> me.
> --Clayton Weaver

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