Re: glib 2.x.x

Nehal Shah <nshah ixiacom com> writes:

> hi all-
> I am trying to upgrade the version of glib to 2.0.6 (req'd by gtk 2.0.4).

Why are you using these old versions? The current versions of 
GLib and GTK+ are 2.2.0.
> In glib 2.0.6 dir. I do 
> 1. ./configure 
> 2. make
> 3. make check
> 4. make install
> everything goes well and I dont set any prefixes whatsoever. then why does
> it not install glib-config script in "/usr/local".
> I cant do glib-config --version (I mean doesnt find the path and I wonder
> why??)

glib-config is not part of GLib-2.0. See:

for instructions on using pkg-config.


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