GList || Incompatible types in Assignment

What should I do to make the following type conversion correct?  Basically, I 
need a gchar* array inside of the GList so that I can manage incoming data 
from a text file that will populate a GtkCList Widget.  As always, help would 
be greatly appreciated.

~ Metnetsky

#include <glib.h>

int main( gint argc, gchar * argv[] )
	GList * list = NULL;
	gchar * test[2];
	gchar * title[2] = {"matthew", "metnetsky"};

	list = g_list_append( list, (gpointer) title );

	test = (gchar **) list->data;

	return( 0 );

/* COMPILED : gcc test.c -Wall -o test `gtk-config --cflags --libs` */

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