Re: Newbie looking for help configuring gtk+-2.2.1


Joerg Balsiger <joergbalsiger yahoo com> writes:

> I'm way over my heading in this, but started out
> trying to get my scanner to work on RedHat Linux 7.1
> I saw somewhere that I needed glib and gtk+ to get
> sane to work. I've downloaded both, was able to
> install glib but am stuck with gtk+. When I type
> ./configure it tellse me towards the end: 
> configure: error: Library requirements (glib-2.0 >=
> 2.1.4 atk >= 1.0.1 pango >= 1.0.1) not met;

the answer is there in front of you: you need pango and atk.  A look
at the file INSTALL that comes with the GTK+ source would have helped
as well.

Apart from that, I think you need glib-1.2 and gtk+-1.2 for sane.

Salut, Sven

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