the endless cycle of resizing

this is an old problem i've had for about 2 years with GTK. i just
want to see if anyone has any new ideas for how to deal with it.

the problem arises when you put two widgets that both dynamically
resize themselves (to match the size of their contents) into a
box/table and tell them to fill it. what happens is a ping-ponging of
configure events and size requests - each time one of them changes it
size, it causes a configure event to go to the other, which causes a
new size request, and round and round it goes.

i need to find a way to stop this from happening. right now, i have
resorted (for 2 years or so) to using a Fixed as one of the widgets
precisely because it does not resize to show 100% of its
children. this fails as soon as something happens that causes the
children to not fit inside the allocated size of the Fixed - the
edge(s) of the children become invisible.

does anyone have any idea how to stop this?


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