can't find libtiff on ./configure


I'm trying to build gtk+, but unfortunately I don't have root access on the machine.
All packages I compile, I do with --prefix=$HOME.

When I try to build gtk+ (1.3 or 2.2), it says that I don't have libtiff installed:

checking for TIFFReadScanline in -ltiff... no
checking for TIFFWriteScanline in -ltiff... no
checking for TIFFFlushData in -ltiff34... no
configure: WARNING: *** TIFF plug-in will not be built (TIFF library not found)
configure: error:
*** Checks for TIFF loader failed. You can build without it by passing
*** --without-libtiff to configure but some programs using GTK+ may
*** not work properly

But I already had build libtiff 3.5.7 (with --prefix=$HOME).

Libtiff's files are sitting on my ~/bin ~/lib ~/include:

fax2ps    pal2rgb   rgb2ycbcr  tiff2ps    tiffcp      tiffinfo    tiffsplit
fax2tiff  ppm2tiff  thumbnail  tiff2rgba  tiffdither  tiffmedian
gif2tiff  ras2tiff  tiff2bw    tiffcmp    tiffdump    tiffset
tiff.h  tiffconf.h  tiffio.h  tiffvers.h

I also have LD_LIBRARY_PATH set to $HOME/lib.

Anybody knows where's my mistake? I already tryed ./configure --prefix=$HOME --includedir=$HOME/include --libdir=$HOME/lib, but it didn't work.

By the way, the box is a Debian GNU/Linux, testing I guess.

Thanks in advance.

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