Getting Widget information from a Window

Hi folks,

I'm a novice to GTK. I'm attempting to get widget information of a window based on its title. On Motif based windows, I could query the window heirarchy , get list of all windows
 and try to match the window title.
If found, I would then use XtWindowTo Widget call to get the Widget information and then
 traverse the widget heirarchy.

 How do I use it.
I think of it from testing point of view, wherein I could click on buttons, type into text fields,
choose from list box , traveres menu items and so on..

How can I do the same using GTK
I just did a quick brush thru' the API's and I could not get an equivalent of XtWindowToWidget call.
Is there a way I can go around?

Please email me the replies at rpallath hotmail com


- raju

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