MenuItems and events in Gtk2.0

I am trying to get menuitems to respond to the mouse clicking them in GTK-2.0 on windows. Everything builds ok and all my other events to update the status bar when hovering over menuitems and close the main window work. However, I cannot get the menuitems to do anything! I am using the old gtk-1.4 way of coding here: about=gtk_menu_item_new_with_label("About"); gtk_signal_connect_object(GTK_OBJECT(exitItem),"activate",GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC(eventDestroy),NULL);
gint eventAbout(GtkWidget* widget,GdkEvent *event,gpointer data);

but I have tried in the new 2.0 style.
gulong eventAbout(GtkWidget* widget,gpointer data);

However, in neither case do the events actually fire! I am using the latest binaries from the win32 port page from as of sending this mail. Can anyone explain this?
Many Thanks.
Jon Wilson

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