Re: What are map_event and unmap_event?

>So to put it in plain words what you said was that map_event is emittted
>if the window was first minimized and then brought back to the screen.

its hard to explain this to you without getting into a lot of X Window
concepts. what you have to keep in mind is that a window is a software
abstraction, an object that your code manipulates via an API. at some
point, the X server decides to change the appearance of the screen by
making the state of your window(s) actually visible. this is called
"mapping". until a window is mapped, nothing that you draw on it is
visible. after its mapped, all drawing is done when handling expose

once a window has been mapped to the screen, it can also be
unmapped. the typical case is when you hide it use some window manager
decoration or keybinding. the window object has not been destroyed,
but it is no longer represented on the screen anymore. changes that
you make to it will make no difference to the screen. this continues
until the window is mapped again (for example, by de-minimizing the

a window may emit any number of map/unmap events over its lifetime,
depending on how the application and user treat it during that
lifetime. for many applications, there is one map event at program
startup and one unmap event at program termination.

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