GTK+- 2.2.3 testing tarballs

I've put up testing tarballs for a 2.2.3 release of GTK+, etc

8d43444a65900dc9305a4c640b468f74  glib-rc1-2.2.3.tar.gz
c4d0b2286ad9322a8d8eb8dccb6eb015  gtk+-rc1-2.2.3.tar.gz
69d682874bac7fbac8aefa91270dd5ae  pango-rc1-1.2.4.tar.gz

My hope is that other than the directory names these will
be identical to the final tarballs.

If you try them out, and they work/don't work/singe the
scales off your pet iguana, please drop me a short email
to let me know.

If I don't hear anything bad, I'll put out the final
release tomorrow afternoon.


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