GdkPixbufAnimation: Can not determine number of frames.


I want to load a gif-animation into memory as a GList of GdkPixbuf s

the animation is a rendered Rotation of a knob with n frames.

framenumber = (int) degree * num_frames / 360;

If i try to iterate over the animation summing up the delay times
and waiting for a delay time of -1 i get an infinite loop
because of this line 
in io-gif-animation.c: 
    elapsed = elapsed % iter->gif_anim->total_time;
If the loop flag of the gif file was obeyed
there would be an if statement before that line.

but i would rather have a property on the iter
to set the looping behaviour.

it seems like nobody is using gdk-pixbuf to load animations
are there better ways to achieve this ?


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