Re: pthreads + gtk

NavEcos wrote:
My problem is mostly finding complete documentation.  Gnome and gtk
change so blazingly fast, that most of the documentation I find it out
of date.  Several things are "deprecated" with no suggestions as to
what has replaced it.

The API did change dramatically with version 2.0, but prior to that
it hadn't changed for a long, long time. I've got applications I
wrote against the 1.1 development series that still compile with

If you're just starting out with GTK+, then the tutorial at is well worth a read. As are the FAQ and
reference documentation found at the same site.

For differences between version 1.2 and 2.0, see the following

The tutorial and API reference is included in the source tarballs
for GTK+ and Glib. I don't know if the standard RedHat RPMs
install them anywhere, but if not then they are all on the GTK+

Hope this helps,

chris wareham iosystems co uk (work)
cwareham btinternet com (home)

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