Re: depreciated classes in GTK+2

* Dave Malcolm (david davemalcolm demon co uk) wrote:
> In the specific example of GtkCList, you should use GtkTreeView.  Though 
> hopefully you figured that out (see the "Tree and List Widget Overview" in 
> the GTK+ reference manual for more information).

Yes, I did actually figure out that I should at least look at that
class, but I haven't done so yet. To me a tree view is not a list. It's
a tree, a hierarchy and may include a tree control. 

> If you spot any cases where something is deprecated but where the replacement 
> is not cited, perhaps you should file that as a bug in bugzilla?   Hopefully 
> the API notes will get fixed that way.

I'll try to do that sometime this week.

> I've done a bit of porting from GTK 1 to 2 and may be able to help if you 
> encounter further problems.

Thank you. I'd appreciate the help.

    __   _                                           Carl B. Constantine
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 /____/_/_//_/\_ _/ /_/\_\  Debian 3.0
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