Re: adding fifo input to the main glib2 loop

>  I have an app that mkfifo()s && open()s and then attaches a
>g_io_channel to the fd. The basic idea is that clients can drop scheme
>code to a fifo for the app to execute, thus the server only reads the
>pipe and clients should only write it.
>I have this working with one catch, after the first command is read
>(first callback instance) the app itself goes to 100% CPU use. Other
>commands get through fine but from a break && bt it seems that glib2 is
>churning on some property of the fd (the break always stops in glib2s
>select (or poll, cant remember which it was)).
>Is there some condition that I must set or other thing required to
>monitor fifos? Or some app that folks know of that does fifo IO from the
>main loop.

there isn't anything extra. but are you sure you read *all* the data
that was available from the FIFO? is it possible that select/poll
believes there is still data available, and is repeatedly calling your

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