Menu questions, irritations and whuzzy feelings

Hi all

I've got some questions and I hope someone is able to answer them..

1) Nearly everything in GTK(2) can be highlighted by hovering over it using the mouse.
  Why isn't this possible with the items in the menubar?

2) The popup time (delay) from menu's popped up from the menubar makes everything feel a bit whuzzy, is it possible to change this delay to some other value or even voiding it out completely? I've searched these lists for more information about this and it seems that this delay was added because it looked too slow those days (way back in 1998 or so), but these days I don't believe it's slow (faster computers, GTK itself is faster, etc)

3) On my current installation of GNOME2/GTK2 (RH8 default G2) there's a gap between the menu items (in the menubar, or shell, whatever name one prefers) of 6 pixels.
  This gap does also make everything feel a bit more whuzzy than neccesary.
A few weeks/months ago I looked into the GTK2 code, and saw that this was implemented using a constant value of 3 (on both sides of each menubar/shell item, so that makes it the afore mentioned value of 6) Is there a way to remove this gap and add it to the menu items itself? (in the theme file or so)

4) Highlighting again; Why aren't the disabled items highlighted in some way? (feels better :)

Well, thanks for answering the questions, and keep up the awesome work on GTK2! GTK2 was one of the reasons for me to switch from another DE (ánd Windows, which I'm not using anymore) to GNOME2 so it must be very good :)


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