stop user from select new tab in notebook

I have a notebook page where the user can select some things.
When the user wants to go to another page of the notebook, I wanted to verify the data he selected. g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (notebook), "switch_page",G_CALLBACK (refresh),NULL));

In this refresh function, I calculate if the textentries and so have proper values... If not, I tried to this: gtk_notebook_set_current_page(GTK_NOTEBOOK(notebook),3); order he cant' move away from page 3.(in this callback function..from the 'switch_page' ..callback.

This seems not to work unfortunately. ... maybe because when gtk sets the new page after my function maybe.
Does anybody know how I could do this?

(well another solution would be to take care of everything the user changes, and then react there directly..before he can try to leave the page).

I just thought I could also work when I just send him back to where he just were .. which really doens't seem to work.

Thanks for any hints

marco candrian

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