ANNOUNCE: Glade-Perl-Two 0.01 NEW

Hi all,

I have just uploaded a first alpha version of perl module Glade-Perl-Two
to the Glade-Perl website at:

Glade-Perl-Two generates object-oriented perl code from a Glade-2 file
Glade-2 is Damon Chaplin's beautiful Gtk2 UI builder (version >= 1.1.0)

Glade-Perl-Two can display the UI as it is built and/or generate Perl
source, distribution and skeleton documentation files. The generation
script 'glade2perl-2' should be able to be called directly from Glade-2's
'Build' button at version 1.1.4

Gtk2-Perl is available at and depends on
Inline which is available on CPAN at:

Regards, Dermot

Sun Nov 17 06:02:01 GMT 2002 Dermot Musgrove <dermot.musgrove at>
- Version 0.01
* Completely overhauled for glade-2 file formats and ability
    to generate gtk2/gnome2 code when available in Gtk2-Perl.
* New and reorganised and renamed modules
      New module              Old module (<= 0.61)    What it does
      ----------              --------------------    ------------
      Glade::Two::Run         Glade::PerlRun          Run-time utilities
      Glade::Two::App         Glade::PerlRun          App options handling
      Glade::Two::Source      Glade::PerlSource       Source code generation
      Glade::Two::Generate    Glade::PerlProject,     Main entry point and
                              Glade::PerlGenerate     options handling
                              Glade::PerlUI           UI generation
      Glade::Two::Gtk         Glade::PerlUIGtk        Gtk2 widgets
      Glade::Two::Gnome       Glade::PerlUIExtra      Gnome widgets (dummy)

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