How to pass data to GtkItemFactory callback function?


I'm using the simple method for the GtkItemFactory.  Namely:

  GtkItemFactoryEntry menu_items[] = {
    { "/_File",         NULL,         NULL, 0, "<Branch>" },
    { "/File/_Open",    "<control>O", open_file, 0, NULL },

and so on.  But I don't see how I can place a data pointer into this
structure as I can with general gtk_signal_connect().  I do see,
however, defs. in the GtkItemFactoryEtry spec off the docs:

struct GtkItemFactoryEntry
   gchar *path;
   gchar *accelerator;

   GtkItemFactoryCallback callback;
   guint                  callback_action;


and GtkItemFactoryCallback 1&2 have some args which would work.  But I'm
at a loss to implement this.



Technical Director, Virginia Center for Computer Music
(804) 924-7355

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