Re: Memory dealocation using "destroy" signal /callback

>I'm building my  own wdgets, most of them , uses dinamic allocated memory and 
>I need to make sure that this memory is deallocated when the widtget is 
>I would like to know what is best. replace the GtkObject destroy function or 
>use a signal conecting "destroy" GtkObject Widget.
>Anyway I need to know about the destroy process.
>I can understand who make the call to the destroy function. 
>I have tested this code, drawing my new widget. 
>but de destroy funcion on my widget seems to be never called.

your program will never result in the execution of destroy handlers.
gtk_main_quit() does not clean up after itself. Havoc (forgive me if I
misquote you Havoc) has said that GTK has not been written with the
idea that you could finish using GTK but have your program run some
more. its assumed that a top level gtk_main_quit() is shortly followed
by program exit, when the OS cleans up after your process no matter
what your process did. you cannot assume that after gtk_main_quit(),
things are as they were before gtk_init().

if you want the destroy handler called, remove the widget from its
container and call gtk_widget_destroy() on it; alternatively, leave it
in the container and destroy the container, which has assumed
ownership (i.e. responsibility) for the widgets it contains. the
simple story: a widget is only destroyed when its reference count
reaches zero. that will never happen in your program.


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