Re: What's the difference between the UNIX signal and gtk signal?

>What's the difference between the traditional UNIX signal and gtk signal? I re
>ad from some articles that gtk signal is implemented at user level, not at ker
>nel level as UNIX signal does. As we know, UNIX signal can be used as a kind o
>f IPC method, so, can the gtk signal  be used as IPC between two different gtk
> process?


there is no relationship *whatsoever* between the two except the name.

the simplest way to think of the signal system in Gtk/glib is as an
easier-to-use callback registration system. when you connect to a
signal you are really saying:

       "when FOO happens, call this function with these arguments"

where FOO are GdkEvents like a ButtonPress or an EnterNotify event.

i suppose that this is semantically similar to a POSIX signal:

       "when SIGALRM happens, call this function"

but its a conceptual similarity only. they share no code, no
implementation concepts, nothing.


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