Re: fonts

Jeff Shipman wrote:

I don't know if this is the right place, but
I really don't know where to get help on this.
All of my gtk apps have a really big font
(mozilla, xmms, etc). I've tried using gfontsel,
but that doesn't seem to actually want to change
the font (although it is writing the new font
to a file). I'm not running gnome so that probably
has something to do with that. How can I change
the font that my gtk apps display with? I'm running

Mozilla is not really a gtk application, even it uses gtk for displaying some
widgets inside the browser.

If you don't use gnome, I think that the best for changing your fonts is trying to modify your .gtkrc file. There's a section in the gtk tutorial about this file, but I must admit I didn't read it. So I don't know if you
can change the default theme.

Good luck!


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