How center a small button horizontally like in this picture....

I want a button to be centered horizontally in a vbox like this:

|       ------         |<--- vbox
|      |Button|        |
|       ------         |

Notice empty space above, below and to right and left.

How do this????

I created a hbox and packed a text label of whitespace
before adding button in order to move it to right
but this is not a good solution.

Any ideas?

| Dr. Christian Seberino  || (619) 553-7940  (office) |
| SPAWARSYSCEN 2363       || (619) 553-2836  (fax)    |
| 53560 HULL ST           ||                          |
| SAN DIEGO CA 92152-5001 || seberino spawar navy mil |

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