Example complie problem in dev-c++


I'm trying to compile the Tictactoe example listed at: http://www.gtk.org/tutorial/app-codeexamples.html in Dev-C++ IDE V4.9.3.0, with g++.exe, but got type conversion error always:


Building Makefile: "d:tmpMakefile.win"
Executing  make...
make.exe all -f "d:tmpMakefile.win"
g++.exe -c test.cpp -o test.o -I"C:Dev-C++include"  -I"C:Dev-C++includeg++-3"  -I"C:Dev-C++include"   -fnative-struct -fsave-memoized -g3 -mwindows

test.cpp: In function `long unsigned int tictactoe_get_type()':
test.cpp:120: conversion from `int' to `enum GTypeFlags'

make.exe: *** [test.o] Error 1

Execution terminated

What's wrong on this conversion?

Line 120 is:

       ttt_type = g_type_register_static (GTK_TYPE_VBOX, "Tictactoe", &ttt_info, 0);

Thanks in advance!


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