help needed uurgently .

hello everyone,
               I have a Logitech Quickcam Express and 
driver which works fine for it, when i read data from
the device i get 24 bit RGB data which comes
 to (352 X 288 ) is one frame

       352 X 288 X 3 = 304128 bytes of raw RGB data

now i can display the frames on a gtk drawing area 
and i get pretty good quality, 
my problem is i want to transmit it on a LAN for my
video-conferencing application , so i have no much
how this could be done, as transmitting 304128 bytes
cannot be done in one operation , i feel i got to do
something about it .

Anyone Know something can be done ! please help,
it would be very much helpful,
any links would be greatly appreciated
(Iam using RedHat 7.1,Gtk 1.2)


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