Re: Send signal?


> >  I want send a click signal to a widget,
> >  is it possible?
> It is difficult to make synthetic events which work reliably, and you 
> are not allowed to emit other widget's signals, so I think this is 
> probably impossible.

Well you can use the X11 X-Test extension to generate synthetic mouse
events. If you want to give it a try:


#include <stdio.h>
#include <X11/extensions/XTest.h>

int main (void) {
	Display *display;
	int BtnNr = 2; // middle mouse button

	if( !(display = XOpenDisplay(NULL)) ) {
		fprintf(stderr, "unable to open display\n");
		exit (1);

	XTestFakeButtonEvent(display, BtnNr, False, 0);
	XTestFakeButtonEvent(display, BtnNr, True, 0);

	exit (0);


gcc source.c -o source -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lX11 -lXtst
> Why do you want to do this? Maybe there is another way to accomplish 
> what you want.

I think using the XTest extension should be your second
thought too ;)

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