
Hi all,
I wants to install the gtk framebuffer.
I install all the modules  necessary:
- pkgnfig (0.7.0) (neccesaire for the installation of glib  and pango)
- glib (1.3.12)
- freetype (2.0.6)
- pango (0.23)
- libjpeg, libpng
- atk (08)
- gtk+ (1.3.12)
The installation deroule normally.
But when I make the test: testgtk in " tests " of the gtk.
I compile it in one will window without X, and it y error: " Erreur de
segmentation  (core dumped)".
Also let us note that I Re-install my kernel (noyau) with the
parameters of frambuffer.
Help me !!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks in advance

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